Thursday, 27 November 2014

Primary Audience Research

Secondary Research Results
Hall and Holmes in 1988 argue that; "Any media text is created for a particular audience and will usually appeal most to this particular target audience" which is why it is important to carry out a survey on the survey monkey to collect primary audience research data. Magazines are all produced with an aim to achieve a profit, to ensure this finding out what the target audience are interested in is

Every magazine publisher will 'profile their audience', this means they will look at the audience demographics; including age, gender, social status and their viewing needs and preferences. 
Primary Survey Results
These are the results from my survey off survey monkey for my audience research for music magazines.
The age focused around youths, this is because the people answering the survey were all based within Bodmin college and the target audience would be from younger ages, such as 12 to 16 anyway for my pop magazine. 

The gender of the people that answered the magazine are quite evenly split, this shows me that the results will give me a fair result of results, however due to my magazine being aimed towards young girls it may be better if more females answered. 
The majority of the audience received the smaller amounts of household income, this could suggest that my magazine will be aimed at people of a lower to middle class rather than high class. This may reflect in the price and the layout of the magazine. 
The ethnicity of the people answering the magazine was very bias, however many pop magazines are bias and support Malik's theory that white is seen as naturalised and is the 'visual norm'. 
This shows bias results, however this does relate to the target audience for pop magazines as the theme of hetrosexuality is shown due to the the words they use, an example of this would be 'lush six packs to stare at' which present on a 'Top of the pops' magazine cover as it features topless men. As the target audience is young girls, it is assuming that the ones interested in reading it are straight.

The fact that most of the people who answered my magazine chose pop means that there is going to be a target audience suited for my magazine as it is quite a poplular choice.
The majority of people chose the image of the star and title stories presented to them on the cover of the magazine. Due to these results it is evident that I will need to focus on the main image more than anything to make sure it is hitting the criteria to attract a teenage audience, also I will need to create exciting title stories to intrigue it's potential readers.
The most popular theme was the use of pastel colours, therefore I will proabably focus on these, however could incoporate a few bright colours to make it stand out and link to the pop theme.
Although the most popular stereotype was to present youths as rebellious, it was closely followed by youth being presented as fun, therefore my magazine cover will be supporting Dick Hebdige's theory, 1988, which suggested youth was fun but can be a bit of a troublemaker.
The general option chosen was £2-£2.99, therefore a reasoanable price for my magazine would probably be based around £2.50 so the price isn't going to put of the target audience, but also so the magazine is being successful in terms of making profit.

I posted my survey monkey link online so I was able to receive varied results, through putting it on Facebook I figured that I would have a good idea of who my primary target audience was so I was able to conduct my primary research above. 

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